Everything breaks, but there are two types of headaches that regular service can solve. Regular or routine service can prevent what we refer to as "compound problems," and it prevents emergency service calls, both of which can get expensive. In our 90+ years of experience, we've learned time and time again that when equipment is properly maintained, it’s generally true that it will last longer, work better, and sell for more. Keeping things in good working order isn’t just a headache saver, it’s a money saver too! And it’s our opinion that people feel better about their jobs when they work with dependable tools. There are so many benefits to proper service that can’t be easily quantified – it’s the difference between patiently building a legacy, and scrambling to put out fires all over the farm.
Compound problems are layers of neglect, duct tape, bailer twine, super glue, and ‘making it work for just one more milking.' After a few of these layers, crazy things start going wrong and JBZ gets a call about someone’s milk running down the driveway out of the vacuum pump exhaust line. The skill of getting by in a pinch on Christmas morning is a great skill to have, but that quick fix needs the correct solution the following day.
Mistakes cost money – mistakes like forgetting to replace a faulty safety switch and accidentally washing the pipeline into a bulk tank full of milk. Or running the vacuum pump without oil and grease until it’s completely locked up. Mistakes like allowing a cleaning problem to grow out of control until the milk is no good at all. Small issues that snowball into bigger problems are expensive, so we recommend a preventative maintenance schedule to address things before they get worse with a System Checkup.
System Checkups are performed on a regular basis depending on the needs of the equipment and the preferences of each customer, but the most common interval is to have everything gone over once a year. During the System Checkup, our service techs will look over every area of the milking system to make sure it is in good working order until the next System Checkup.
Emergency Service Calls are the other pitfall that can be avoided with proper service, but especially with consistent System Checkups. Still, while an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, prevention can only go so far, and emergencies will happen. That’s why we offer 24/7 Emergency Service from both our Southeastern PA and Northeastern PA locations.
Southeastern PA:
1044 Main St. Blue Ball, PA 17506
(717) 354-8030
Northeastern PA:
391B Harrison Rd. Orangeville, PA 17859
(570) 925-6939
Email Us: info@jbzdairy.com